
when i woke up my body was,, stiff ? sore ? cold. it was cold and it stung. the surface on which i lay wrapped around my sides and i couldnt feel its end. i sat up, almost peeling my back off of my resting place, and opened my eyes. i was met with a bright light. my eyes adjusted to the illumination, and revealed a white, almost glowing wall in front of me. a glitening wall. a wet wall. a wall made out of snow. a wall which wrapped around the place of my rest in a strangely perfect me-shape. i stood up, having more trouble lifting my legs than i did my back. even from standing my eyes were met only snow. as such, i rose to my toes and pressed my hands into the scorching ice to pull myself out of my hole. no matter how much i pushed against the walls the tightly packed snow did not let up, making my escape smooth, yet slippery. i stood up and straightened out the creases in my clothes, and brushes any snow off of the layers of my dress and my hair. i forced my stiff neck up. a bright blue sky. i couldnt see the sun from where i was but was near-blindingly bright anyway. behind me was a wall, maybe 2 meters across, and by sides another 2 walls, but these stretching far, far longer. the confines of this corridor reached high into the sky, such that any guess at their height would be laughable. they were perfectly smooth and very cold to the touch. attempts at knocking on them or pushing them over wielded me the conclusion that they must be quite thick and solid, as they didnt even acknowledge my being there. i looked towards the end of the corridor. there seemed to be another wall at its end, but it was so far away that it could well enough